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8 Communication Tactics to Eliminate Wasted Time at Work

Communicate At Work - TBM Payroll, Albany, NY

It’s always important to communicate effectively to avoid wasted time at work. This article comes from Entrepreneur.

8 Communication Tactics to Eliminate Wasting Time at Work

How to communicate is one of the most important topics you can study and learn. As a result, you end up wasting time going back and trying to explain what you intended in the first place.

To prevent that from happening, here are eight communication tactics you should start using today.

1. Always know “why.”

In other words, every communication occurring at work should have a purpose. This is done by:

  1. Defining roles and responsibilities
  2. Checking in on progress or a project
  3. Giving praise where praise is due
  4. Even light chit-chat from time to time.

Before initiating any type of communication, ask yourself what you want to accomplish.

2. Be clear about your expectations.

Let’s say that you have a developer designing your site. When it’s complete, they let you know it’s ready to go live. You look it over but aren’t a fan of the homepage. So, you send them an email that says simply, “Make changes.”

What changes do you want? They’re not a mind reader. When it comes to communication, you want to be crystal clear on your expectations so that you avoid any miscommunication.

Avoid the following:

  • Texting shortcuts
  • Emojis
  • Jargon
  • Regional terms

3. Communicate facts electronically but emotions in person.

When it comes to highly emotional content, consider that it is most likely better to be delivered face-to-face or at the very least by telephone or teleconferencing. Much harder on you — but better for the individual, you are speaking with.

4. Be respectful of others’ time.

By this, I mean respecting their time away from work. We all need a life outside the office. Of course, the lines have blurred since we’re plugged in 24/7. However, your colleagues, co-workers, and employees are not required to respond to you immediately whenever you reach out to them.

As a general rule, unless it’s a life-or-death situation, don’t send work-related communications on the weekends or late at night.

Click here to view the complete article.